Ordering Fractions: Definition, Arrangement, application, and Examples

In mathematics, ordering fractions is a fundamental mathematical idea that includes arranging fractions in ascending or descending order based on their values.

The history of ordering fractions dates back to ancient civilizations when early mathematicians recognized the need to compare and organize fractions.

Ancient Egyptians developed a fraction system around 1800 BCE, while ancient Greeks, including Pythagoras, explored proportions and established rules for comparing fractions.

During the Middle Ages, Arab mathematicians introduced decimal fractions and algorithms for comparing fractions.

In the modern era, mathematicians like Laplace and Gauss refined methods for ordering fractions, including the use of the least common denominator.

Today, ordering fractions is a vital skill taught in mathematics education, enabling accurate measurements and problem-solving.

The historical development of ordering fractions displays the contributions of ancient civilizations and mathematicians, emphasizing their quest for understanding numbers and relationships.

Through their efforts, the concept has evolved and continues to play a crucial role in various mathematical applications.

This article will discuss the basic definition, basic steps, and application in detail.

Ordering Fractions: Definition, Arrangement, application, and Examples

What is ordering fractions?

Ordering fractions refers to the process of arranging fractions in a specific order based on their numerical values. This involves comparing the magnitudes of fractions to determine which fraction is greater, smaller, or equal to another fraction.


Consider the fractions 3/4, 1/2, and 5/8. Ordering them in ascending order would result in 1/2, 5/8, and 3/4.

Basic steps of ordering fractions

Here are the basic steps for ordering fractions:

  • Start by using the fractions that are provided.
  • The difference in the denominators of the fractions. If they are the same, proceed to step four. Then, passage to phase three.
  • Obtain the denominators’ least common multiple (LCM). Show which ratios have the same denominator.
  • Change the fractions so that they all have an identical denominator. Multiply the numerator and denominator of the individual fraction by the suitable factor to attain this.
  • Comparison of the numerators of the fractions. The fraction with the smallest numerator will be the smallest, and the fraction with the largest numerator will be the largest.
  • Arrange the fractions in increasing or decreasing order based on the comparisons made in step five.
  • Simplify the fractions, if necessary, by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor to obtain their simplest form.
  • Verify the ordering by checking the values of the fractions. You can calculate and compare decimals or percentage equivalents to ensure the correct order.
  • Express the ordered fractions in the desired form, such as proper fractions, improper fractions, or mixed numbers, depending on the requirements.
  • Verify your work to confirm correctness and accuracy.

Applications of Ordering Fractions

Here is some application of ordering fractions:

Comparing sizes

Ordering fractions allows you to determine which fraction is larger or smaller, helping you compare the sizes of different quantities or measurements.

Ranking items:

Fractions can be used to rank items or entities based on certain criteria. Ordering fractions helps establish the relative positions of these items in the ranking.

Budgeting and financial planning:

Ordering fractions can be helpful when allocating funds or resources. It allows you to prioritize expenses and distributions based on their relative proportions.

Time management:

Fractions can represent portions of time, such as hours or minutes. Ordering fractions helps in scheduling tasks, prioritizing activities, and managing time effectively.

Conversion between units:

Fractions are often involved in unit conversions, such as converting between different measurement systems. Ordering fractions aids in determining the correct conversion factor and ensuring accurate results.

Grade or score comparisons:

When comparing grades or scores, ordering fractions can help determine the relative performance of individuals or groups.

Data analysis:

Ordering fractions can assist in analyzing data when the data points are represented as fractions. This helps identify trends, patterns, or the distribution of values.

Visual representation:

Ordering fractions can be used to create visually appealing representations, such as number lines or bar graphs, where fractions are plotted in increasing or decreasing order.


Many mathematical problems involve fractions, and ordering fractions can simplify the problem-solving process by organizing the fractions and identifying their positions in the problem context.

Calculations of ordering fractions

In this section, we are going to discuss a few examples to learn how to order fractions from least to greatest and vice versa.

Example 1:

Arrange the fractions in ascending order:

3/5, 7/8, 2/3, 4/9.

Step 1:

Firstly, the denominators are different (5, 8, 3, and 9).

Step 2:

Evaluate the (LCM) of the denominators. The LCM of 5, 8, 3, and 9 is 360.

Step 3:

Multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the appropriate factor to make the denominators equal to 360:

⇒ 3/5 becomes 216/360

⇒ 7/8 becomes 315/360

⇒ 2/3 becomes 240/360

⇒ 4/9 becomes 160/360

Step 4:

Also, the ratio has a common denominator, comparing their numerators.

⇒ 315/360 > 240/360 > 216/360 > 160/360

Step 5:

Based on the comparisons made in Step 4, we can arrange the fractions in descending order:

⇒ 315/360 > 240/360 > 216/360 > 160/360

So, the fractions in descending order are 315/360, 240/360, 216/360, and 160/360.

Step 6:

The fractions are not in their simplest form. Now, we can identify them by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor:

⇒ 315/360 simplifies to 7/8

⇒ 240/360 simplifies to 2/3

⇒ 216/360 simplifies to 3/5

⇒ 160/360 simplifies to 4/9

So, the final result in descending order is 7/8, 2/3, 3/5, 4/9.

Example 2:

Arrange the fractions in descending order.

1/4, 3/8, 2/5, 5/6.


Step 1:

Firstly, the denominators are different (4, 8, 5, and 6).

Step 2:

To find a common denominator, determine the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. The LCM of 4, 8, 5, and 6 is 120.

Step 3:

Multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the appropriate factor to make the denominators equal to 120:

⇒ 1/4 becomes 30/120

⇒ 3/8 becomes 15/120

⇒ 2/5 becomes 24/120

⇒ 5/6 remains as 5/6 (since 6 is already a factor of 120)

Step 4:

Also, the ratio has a common denominator, comparing their numerators.

⇒ 15/120 < 24/120 < 30/120 < 5/6

Step 5:

Based on the comparisons made in Step Four, we can arrange the fractions in ascending order:

⇒ 15/120 < 24/120 < 30/120 < 5/6

So, the fractions in ascending order are 15/120, 24/120, 30/120, and 5/6.

Step 6:

The fractions are already in their simplest form.

So, the final result in ascending order is 15/120, 24/120, 30/120, 5/6.

Final Words

In this article, we have discussed the basic definition of ordering fractions, the basic steps, and the application of ordering fractions in detail. Therefore, the topic will be explained with the help of examples. After complete studying this article, anyone can easily define ordering fractions.

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1. Ordering fractions meaning

A – Ordering fractions refers to arranging fractions in ascending or descending order based on their numerical values. It helps establish a relative comparison among fractions, indicating which fractions are larger or smaller. This process allows for easier understanding and analysis of the fractions’ magnitudes.

2. Concept of ordering fractions

A – Ordering fractions involves arranging fractions in increasing or decreasing order based on their values. It allows for comparisons to determine which fraction is larger or smaller. This concept provides a systematic approach to organizing and understanding fractions about one another.

3. The basic method of ordering fractions

A – Here are a few methods of ordering fractions are below:
⦁ Compare the numerator
⦁ Compare the denominator

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