5 & 10 Lines on My School in English 2024 / Best Few Lines

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Schools play a vital role in shaping our lives. They are places where we learn, make friends, and discover our interests.

My school holds a special place in my heart. It’s a place where we have made lifelong memories and learned lessons that will guide us throughout life.

In this article, you will learn some thoughts about my school in both 5 and 10 lines on my school.

5 and 10 lines on my school in English

10 Lines on My School

1. My school’s name is [insert your school’s name].

2. It is a wonderful place where I learn new things every day.

3. My school has a big playground where we play during recess.

4. The classrooms are bright and cheerful.

5. My teachers are very kind and help me understand my lessons.

6. We have a well-stocked library with lots of interesting books.

7. Our school also has a computer lab where we learn about technology.

8. I enjoy participating in sports and other activities at my school.

9. I have made many good friends at school.

10. I love my school very much!

5 Lines on My School

1. My school is a wonderful place where I get to learn new things every day with my friends.

2. Our school building is large and painted in bright colors, and it has a big playground where we can play all sorts of games during recess.

3. The teachers in my school are very kind and always help us understand our lessons, even when they are difficult.

4. Besides our regular studies, my school also encourages us to take part in sports, music, dance, and other activities that help us discover our talents.

5. I love my school very much because it’s a place where I can learn, grow, and make lifelong friends.

Best Few Lines on My School

About the school:

My school is a big place where we learn many things.

It has a nice campus with good stuff for us to use

My school is a big/small building with many classrooms.

The walls of my school are painted in [color] which makes it look cheerful.

We have a big playground where we play during our break time.

There is a beautiful garden in my school with lots of flowers and trees.

My school has a library with lots of interesting books to read.

We have a computer lab where we learn how to use computers.

There is also a science lab where we get to do fun experiments.

The teachers:

The teachers in my school are very kind and friendly.

They teach us many subjects like English, Maths, Science, and History.

My favorite teacher is [teacher’s name] because she/he makes learning fun.

Our teachers help us with our homework when we don’t understand.

They always encourage us to do our best and work hard.

My friends and activities:

I have made many good friends in school.

My best friend’s name is [friend’s name].

We play together during recess and lunch break.

Sometimes we study together and help each other with our lessons.

My school organizes many activities besides studies.

I like to take part in drawing competitions and sports events.

We also have dance and music classes which are a lot of fun.

Why I love my school:

My school is like my second home.

I feel safe and happy when I am at school.

I learn new things every day at school.

My school is helping me become a better person.

I am always excited to go to school and meet my friends and teachers.

School helps me learn about the world and interesting things.

It teaches me important things like how to be kind, helpful, and respectful.

I will always remember my school days with lots of love.

I am very proud to be a student of my school.

Short Essay on My School

My school is a wonderful place where I go to learn and have fun. It’s located in our town and has everything we need to study and play.

Every day, I meet my friends and teachers with smiles in the school corridors. We share stories, and jokes, and help each other with our work.

In our classrooms, teachers teach us about many things like numbers, science, and stories from history. They make learning interesting and encourage us to ask questions.

Apart from my studies, my school also has sports, art, and music activities. We get to play games, draw, and sing, which makes school days even more enjoyable.

The library in my school is like a treasure chest full of books. I love spending time there, reading stories, and learning new things.

But what makes my school really special is the friendships I’ve made. We have fun together, support each other, and make unforgettable memories.

Overall, my school is a place where I feel happy, safe, and excited to learn. It’s where I grow, discover new things, and make lifelong friends.

10 and 5 Lines on My Dream to Become a Doctor

10 and 5 Lines on Education in English


1. What subjects do you learn in school?

I learn many subjects like English, Maths, Science, History, and more.

2. Does your school have a playground?

Yes, my school has a big playground where we play during recess.

3. Do you have lots of friends at school?

Yes, I have made many good friends at school.

4. What are your favorite things about your school?

My favorite things about school are playing with my friends, learning new things, and my kind teachers.

5. What do you do during lunch break?

During lunch break, I eat my lunchbox and play with my friends.

6. Does your school have a library?

Yes, my school has a library with lots of interesting books.

7. What other facilities does your school have?

My school also has a computer lab, science lab, sports field, and music room.

8. Does your school organize any special events?

Yes, my school organizes events like Sports Day, Annual Day, and field trips.

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