Looking for the BAMS Course Syllabus and Subjects list?
Here you will get all the details about the BAMS ( Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery ) Course like syllabus and subjects, admission process, salary, course fees, course duration, eligibility criteria, job profile, top colleges, etc.
What is BAMS Course?
It is one of the best medical degree courses after 12th science with Biology or PCB ( Physics, Chemistry, and Biology ) for those who want to become an Ayurvedic Doctor.
Generally, this course deals with the traditional ancient medical system and ayurvedic medicine.
The BAMS course is related to the traditional Hindu system of medicine like herbal treatment.
The Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery course is a study that practices modern medicine and ancient Ayurvedic systems.
And with the help of the information and knowledge gained from it, they practice Ayurvedic science in different types of psychology, physiology, toxicology, and pharmacology, surgery, skin diseases, gynecology, and other fields.
And the study of ayurvedic science combined with the modern medicine of today is called the course Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery.
Main Body – Central Council of Indian Medicine ( CCIM )
Specializations –
Padartha Vigyan | Sharir Kriya |
Agad Tantra | Charak Samhita |
Kaumara Bharitya | Swasth Vritta |
Shalakya Tantra | Shallya Tantra |
Prastuti and Stri Roga | Rog Vikriti Vigyan |
Kayachikitsa | Rasa Shastra |
Sharir Rachana |
BAMS Course Syllabus and Subjects List
1st & 2nd Year
1st Year | 2nd Year |
Padartha Vigyan and Ayurved Itihas | Dravyaguna Vigyan |
Kriya Sharir | Rasashastra |
Rachana Sharir | Roga Nidan |
Sanskrit | Charak Samhita |
Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang Hridaya | Diseases of Rasa Vaha Srotas |
1st Year Subjects & Syllabus
1. Padartha Vigyan and Ayurved Itihas
- Ayurveda Nirupana
- Ayurveda Darshana Nirupana
- Dravya Vigyaniyam
- Gunavigyaniyam
- Karma Vigyaniyam
- Samanya Vigyaniyam
- Vishesha Vigyaniyam
- Samavaya Vigyaniyam
- Abhava Vigyaniyam
- Pariksha
- Aptopdesha Pariksha/ Pramana
- Pratyaksha Pariksha/ Pramana
- Anumanapariksha/Pramana
- Yuktipariksha/ Pramana
- Upamana Pramana
- Karya- Karana Siddhanta
2. Kriya Sharir
- Dhatu
- Rasa Dhatu
- Rakta Dhatu
- Mamsa Dhatu
- Meda Dhatu
- Asthi Dhatu
- Majja Dhatu
- Shukra Dhatu
- Concept of Ashraya-Ashrayi bhava
- Ojas
- Upadhatu
- Mala
- Panchagyanendriya
- Manas
- Atma
- Nidra
- Hemopoietic system
- Immunity
- Muscle physiology
- Physiology of cardiovascular system
- Physiology of Excretion
- Endocrine glands
3. Rachana Sharir
- Shariropkramaniya Shaarira
- Paribhasha Shaarira
- Garbha Shaarira
- Pramana Shaarira
- Asthi Shaarira
- Sandhi Shaarira
- Sira, Dhamani, Srotas Shaarira
- Peshi Shaarira
- Koshtha Evam Ashaya Shaarira
- Kalaa Shaarira
- Uttamangiya Shaarira
- Marma Shaarira
- Indriya Shaarira
- Anatomical Terminologies
- Embryology
- Osteology
- Arthrology
- Cardiovascular system
- Lymphatic system
- Myology
- Respiratory System
- Digestive system
- Urinary System
- Reproductive system
- Endocrinology
- Nervous System
- Sensory organs
- Surface and radiological anatomy
4. Maulik Siddhant Avum Ashtang Hridaya
- Ashtang Hridaya Sutrasthana Adhyaya 1 to 15
- Ashtang Hridaya Sutrasthana Adhyaya 16 to 30
- Description of Ashta Prakriti
- Shastra Lakshan (Tantra)
- Tantraguna
- Tantradosha
- Tachitalya
- Arthasraya
- Kalpana
5. Sanskrit
2nd Year Subjects & Syllabus
1. Dravyaguna Vigyan
- Dravyaguna Shastra Paribhasa
- Dravya
- Guna
- Rasa
- Vipaka
- Veerya
- Prabhava
- Karma
- Mishraka Gana
- Basis of nomenclature
2. Rasashastra
- Definition and etymology of Rasa, History of Rasashastra
- Brief Description and Application of Technical terminologies
- Dravya Varga
- Brief description & application of Musha
- Chullika, Satwapatana Koshthi, Patala Kosthi, Gara Koshthi, Angarakoshthi
- Ulukhala Yantra, Khalwa Yantra, Kachhapa Yantra, Damaru Yantra
- Concept, definition and types of Puta
- Knowledge of Parada
- Maharasa
- Uparasa
- Sadharana Rasa
- Dhatu
- Ratna
- Uparatna
- Sudha Varga
- Sikata Varga
- Kshara Varga
- Miscellaneous
- Visha and Upavisha
- Aushadhi Yoga Gyanam- ingredients, manufacturing process, and bheshajprayogvidhi
3. Roga Nidan
- Dosha Dushyadi Vigyana
- Definition and importance of Roganidana
- VyadhiVigyana
- Basic Pathology
- Nidana Panchaka Vigyana
- Pariksha Vigyana
- Diseases of Rasavaha Srotas
- Diseases of Raktavaha Srotas
- Diseases of Mamsavaha Srotas
- Diseases of Medovaha Srotas
- Diseases of Asthi – Majjavaha Srotas
- Diseases of Shukravaha Srotas
- Diseases of Pranavaha Srotas
- Diseases of Annavaha- PureeshavahaSrotas
- Diseases of Udakavaha Srotas
- Krimi Vigyana
4. Charak Samhita
- Sutrasthana
- Indriyasthana
- Nidanasthana
- Vimanasthana
- Sharirasthana
5. Diseases of Rasa Vaha Srotas
3rd & 4th Year
3rd Year | 4th Year |
Agadtantra | Panchkarma |
Kaumarbhritya Parichaya | Shalya Tantra |
Charak Samhita ( Uttarardha ) | Kayachikitsa |
Swasthavritta | Shalakya Tantra |
Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga | Research Methodology and Medical Statistics |
3rd Year Subjects & Syllabus
1. Agadtantra
- Derivation, the definition of Visha and Agadatantra
- Toxicology, Poison
- Origin and Classification of Visha
- Environmental Toxicology
- Management of poisoning
- Jangama Visha
- Garavisha, Dooshivisha, Viruddhahara
- Madya and Madatyaya
- Vyavahara Ayurveda, Vidhivaidyaka
- Legal Procedures
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Forensic Laboratory
- Ethics as in classical Texts
- Dowry deaths
- Injuries and thermal injuries
- Laws in relation to Medical practitioners
2. Kaumarbhritya Parichaya
- Introduction and scope of Kaumarbhritya
- The scientific contribution of Kashyapa Samhita in Kaumarbhritya
- Vayobheda
- Prana Pratyagamanam
- Navajata Shishu Paricharya
- Navajata Shishu Parikshana
- Navajat Shishu Poshana
- Stanyadosha
- Garbha Vridhi Vikasa Krama
- Poshana
- Dantotpatti evum Danta Raksha Vidhi
- Vyadhikshamatva
- Prashan & Lehana
- Bala Pariksha
- General Aushadhl Matra Nirdharana
- Prasava Kaleena Abhighata
- Sahajavyadhi
- Genetic Disorders
- Prasavottara Vyadhi
- Dushta Stanyapanajanya Vyadhi
- Kuposhanajanya Vyadhi
- Aupasargika Vyadhi
- Aupasargika Vyadhi
- Balagraha
3. Charak Samhita ( Uttarardha )
- Chikitsa sthana
- Kalpa sthana
- Siddhi sthana
4. Swasthavritta
- Swasthya and Swasthavritta
- Dinacharya
- Rathricharya
- Ritucharya
- Sadvritta
- Trayopastambha
- Ahara
- Nidra
- Brahmacharya
- Roganutpadaniya
- Panchakosha Theory
- Astanga yoga
- Pranayama
- Shatkarma
5. Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga
- Stri Sharisavijnan
- Rajo Vigyana
- Garbha Vigyana
- Garbhini Vigyana
- Garbhini Vyapad
- Prasava Vigyana
- Prasava Vyapad
- Sutika Vigyana
- Artava Vyapad
- Yoni Vyapad
- Vandhyatwa
- Stana Roga
- Shastra Karma
4th Year Subjects & Syllabus
1. Panchkarma
- Introduction to Panchakarma, Panchakarma, and Shodhana
- Trividha Karma
- Snehana
- Bāhya Snehana
- Murdhni Taila
- Ābhyantara Snehana
- Shodhanārtha Snehana
- Sadyo Sneha
- Shamanārtha Snehana
- Bronhanarth Senhana
- Avapeedak Sneha
- Special Procedures
- Svedana
- Vamana Karma
- Virechana Karma
- Basti Karma
- Niruha Basti
- Anuvasana Basti
- Uttara Basti
- Nasya
- Raktamokshana
- Jalaukavacharana
- Pracchāna
- Sirāvedha
- Physiotherapy
2. Shalya Tantra
- Introduction to Shalya Tantra
- Description of Yantra, Shastra, Anushastra
- Nirjantukarana / Sterilization
- Sangyaharan / Anaesthesia
- Yogya – Experimental Surgery
- Kshara and Kshara Karma
- Agnikarma
- Raktamokshana
- Bandha Vidhi
- Fluid, Electrolyte, Acid Base Balance and Nutrition
- Rakta Mahatwa, Raktasrava / Haemorrhage
- Shat Kriyakala in surgical practice
- Vrana
- Bhagna
- Diseases of bone
- Cranio-cerebral injuries
- Diseases of Spine, breast, esophagus, and other types of disease
3. Kayachikitsa
- Introduction to Kayachikitsa
- Dvividhopakrama and Shadavidhopakrama
- Principles & Management of Nutritional deficiency disorders
- General introduction and principles of Management of diseases produced by Genetic
- Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Jwara
- Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Rasavaha Srotas
- Maintenance of health and management of diseases
- Diseases of different Endocrine Glands
- Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Pranavaha Srotas: Kasa, Shwasa, Hikka, Rajayakshma, Urakshata, Parshwashoola, Bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, Emphysema and COPDs
- Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Udakavaha Srotas
- Chikitsa sutra and Management of the diseases of Annavaha Srotas
- Principles of treatment and management of Vata Vyadhi
- Nidana and Chikitsa of Urusthambha
- Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Mamsavaha Srotas and Medovaha Srotas
- Chikitsa sutra and management of Shukravaha srotas
- Chikitsa Sutra and Management of diseases of Mutravaha Srotas
- Chikitsa Sutra and Management of diseases of Purishavaha Srotas
- Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Vajikarana
4. Shalakya Tantra
- Introduction to Shalakya Tantra
- Netra Samanya and Vishishta Chikitsa – Kriya Kalpa
- Sandhigata Roga
- Vartmagata Roga
- Shuklagata Roga
- Krishnagata Roga
- Sarvagata Roga
- Drishtigata Roga
- Miscellaneous Diseases
- Samanya Chikitsa
- Shiro Roga
- Karna Roga
- Nasa Roga
- Mukha Roga
- Oshtha Roga
- Dant Mula Gata Roga
- Danta Roga
- Jihwa Gata Roga
- Talu Roga
- Kantha and Gala gata Roga
- Sarvasara Mukha Roga
- Sarvasara Mukha Roga
5. Research Methodology and Medical Statistics
- Introduction to research methodology
- Types of Research: Pure and Applied, Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Observational and interventional
- Research process
- Research tools
- Introduction to Medical Statistics
- Definition, scope and importance of the Medical statistics
- Common statistical terms and notations
- Collection and Presentation of data
- Measures of location
Best Courses after 12th Science with PCB and PCM
BAMS Eligibility Criteria
12th Science with ( Physics, Chemistry, Biology ) 60% from a recognized board + NEET is compulsory
NEET ( National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test ) is compulsory for admission to the BAMS course, without NEET you can not get admission in the BAMS course.
Age Limit for BAMS Course
There are 17 ( seventeen ) years is the minimum age limit to pursue the BAMS ( Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery ) course.
BAMS Course Duration
5.5 Years ( 4.5 Academic +1 year Internship )
This covers 4.5 years of academic study and a 1-year compulsory internship in hospitals.
Exam Type
Semester wise
Now almost every university takes exams on a semester basis.
There are 2 semesters in a year, each semester cover 50% syllabus of a year.
Therefore, according to the semester, there is only a 50% syllabus in the examination.
BAMS Admission Process
Based on the Entrance Exam – NEET
If you want to get admission to a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery ( BAMS ) then you must have to attend NEET competitive examination.
BAMS Course Fees
INR 30K – 1 Lakh as per institute or state ( Government )
INR 1 Lakh – 6 Lakhs as per institute or state ( Private )
The bigger the reputed college, the higher the fees they charge.
BAMS Salary
INR 3.6 Lakhs – 12 Lakhs ( Fresher )
INR 6 Lakhs – 50 Lakhs ( Experienced )
Why should I join the BAMS course ( Advantages )?
If you have any kind of interest in Ayurvedic science then you should do a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery course.
Under this course, you will be explained the process of healing any patient with the combination of the ancient Ayurvedic system and modern medical science.
Through this course, you can become a Vaidya, and Vaidya’s name will be added after your name, and people will recognize you as Vaidya.
After doing this course, you can settle your life for a long time. And you can get a secure job.
After doing this course, you can also contribute to the government sector, and do the job of Ayurvedic pharmacist in the Government Ayurvedic Hospital.
You can also contribute as a teacher. You can also become a lecturer and as a scientist, you can contribute to society.
If you like to do the job of a product manager or like to do clinical trials then you should do a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery course.
Disadvantages of BAMS course?
There are also many disadvantages of doing the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery course-
The first disadvantage is that once you become a doctor by doing a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery course, then you have to struggle at least for 10 to 13 years. After that, you can become eligible to do the job.
After this, it takes you 10-13 years to settle your life, and you can never stop studying.
You are seen as a murderer, and a Vaidya does not get respect the way an Allopathy doctor gets.
A Vaidya is not even considered a doctor by an allopathic doctor.
There are more mass and social attacks on a Vaidya than on a doctor, lynching can also be done to bad treatment.
You will find many alternatives to the course of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery in the field of allopathy.
The course Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is very broad, so there is no achievement in any particular branch in the course of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery.
Job Profile and Salary after BAMS Course
Job Profile | Salary per annum in INR ( Fresher ) |
Ayurvedic Doctor | 3.6 Lakhs – 12 Lakhs |
Pharmacist | 3 Lakhs – 8 Lakhs |
Panchakarma Practitioner | 2.4 Lakhs – 8 Lakhs |
Therapist | 3.5 Lakhs – 10 Lakhs |
Medical Analyst | 4 Lakhs – 11 Lakhs |
Medical Officer | 3.6 Lakhs – 12 Lakhs |
Teacher | 2.4 Lakhs – 6 Lakhs |
Professor | 3 Lakhs – 8 Lakhs |
Lecturer | 2.5 Lakhs – 7.5 Lakhs |
Scientist | 4.5 Lakhs – 12 Lakhs |
Health Consultant | 3.2 Lakhs – 9 Lakhs |
Sales Representative | 3 Lakhs – 8 Lakhs |
Employment Areas for Science Students
Railway | Hospitals |
Rural Hospitals | College / University |
School | Dentist’s Office |
Clinics | Blood Banks |
Military Services | Nursing Homes |
Medical Laboratories | Physician’s Office |
Top Recruiters for Science Students
Required Skills for Science Students
- Creative and Innovative Skills
- Art of Understanding the Patients
- Subjects Knowledge
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
- Ability to work under Pressure
- Teamwork and Collaboration Skills
- Communication Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Decision-making skills
- Time Management
- Organization Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Learning Skills
- Adaptability Skills
Courses after BAMS Course
- MD in Ayurveda
- MS in Ayurveda
- Post Graduation Diploma in Emergency Medicine
- Post Graduation Diploma in Panchakarma
- MBA in Medical Marketing
- Master’s Degree in Public Health
Top Colleges –
- Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore
- Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar
- Shree Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
- Shree Dhanvantari Ayurveda College, Chandigarh
- JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
- Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar
- National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur
- Institute of Medical science, Varanasi
- Ashtang Ayurveda College, Indore
- Rishikul State Ayurvedic College, Haridwar
- Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot
- Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik
- Bharat Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune
- Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur
- Santhigiri Siddha Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram – Kerala
- Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur
- Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
- Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna
- Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
- Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha
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Q1 – What is the full form of BAMS?
A – Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
Q2 – Is the 12th mark important for BAMS?
Yes absolutely, 12th marks are considered for admission to BAMS.
Q3 – Is BAMS equal to MBBS?
Yes Absolutely, Both these degrees are the same but BAMS is related to the traditional ayurvedic field and MBBS is related to modern medicine.
Q4 – What is the salary of a BAMS doctor?
A – As a fresher, you can expect 30K – 50K and later it will increase as per experience, location, knowledge, etc.